Monday, August 2, 2010


There is meat in my cookies. Yup, you read that correctly. Meat in my cookies. But don’t you worry because that meat is bacon. Phew. No big deal. Just bacon. Delicious fatty, fatty, fatty bacon.

Might I add that there are only five ingredients in these cookies. Sounds crazy right? But it’s true. I wouldn’t lie to you about these cookies. Just five. Not to mention that two of those five are bacon and peanut butter. This is madness!

Now be warned, people may doubt you. They may say, “Bacon in cookies!? Gross! Weird! Sinful! You are crazy!” But don’t let them make you doubt yourself. Simply tell them to sit back, relax, and be prepared to go on a cookie journey unlike any other.

Okay now I have to tell you something that will make it even clearer how wildly delicious these cookies are. I am not a big meat eater at all. I have even debated going the vegetarian route. But these cookies may have just transformed me into a full on carnivore. The kind of carnivore that only eats pb-bacon cookies and nothing else.

So make them right now. But just be prepared to have the unavoidable desire to eat them all immediately.


P.S. I apologize for the serious lack of quality in these pictures, we were too busy freaking out over the cookies to sit still and have an actual pb-bacon cookie photo shoot.

Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies

(Adapted from JoyTheBaker)

1 cup peanut butter (smooth or chunky, either works)

1 cup sugar (½ C brown, ½ C granulated)

1 egg

1 tsp baking soda

6 slices of bacon, cooled and diced up

  1. In a skillet over medium heat, fry up bacon until cooked through. Let cool a bit and then dice the bacon (we broke it up with our fingers which worked perfectly well).
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. In a mixer, combine peanut butter and sugar until well combined. Add egg and baking soda and continue to mix until well combined again. Mix in cooked bacon.
  4. Roll dough into walnut-sized balls and press down light with a fork to create a criss-cross pattern. If dough is crumbly, don’t fret! Just use your hands and smush it back together into dough balls. Problem solved.
  5. Bake for approximately 10 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned. Allow cookies to cool and firm up on baking sheet for 5 minutes and then transfer to cooling rack. And my final suggestion? Eat them immediately, because a warm pb-bacon cookie is a very beautiful thing.


  1. This recipe looks wonderful! Two of my favorite things- bacon and cookies! Can't wait to try them!

  2. Hi Em and Em,
    I can imagine how completely delicious these cookies are, and the picture Em W sent of her brother actually eating one, tells it all!

