Monday, July 19, 2010

Now for a little introduction...

We started this blog a few weeks ago and have been enjoying a smashing time sharing our pies and breads and cookies with you but this is starting to feel just a little improper. Here we are going on and on about very intimate things like pie preferences and baking styles when we were never properly introduced!

So we’re both named Emily. There’s EmW who hails from Boston and EmB who’s from New York City. We’re roommates and friends who share a love of baking and live together in a very special house at our college in a small Midwestern town. Why is it such a special house, you may ask? This house has had open doors to the community for over a century and is a gathering place for students and townspeople alike to share cookies, games of cribbage, and good company. The kitchen is open and stocked with ingredients for those who want to bake up some chocolate chip cookies at any and all times of the day. As student residents we live, work, and breathe this house. We’re responsible for maintaining a guest room and keeping the house and garden in good condition so that the entire community can make use of them. Perhaps our favorite job, however, is scheming up and hosting weekly Sunday Brunch and Wednesday night events. As such, we essentially are paid to run a small bakery/B&B. Our days are sprinkled with flour, absurd quantities of butter, and flocks of hungry college students seeking the comfort of warm cookies and homemade ice cream.
Phewf! Don't you feel better now that we've had that cleared up? Good, now how about something tasty?


1 comment:

  1. I can't think of a more fun way to live! It's the truth.
