Friday, July 9, 2010

Strawberry Tart

Remember that time I was obsessed with banana cream pie? That time so very long ago when I jabbered on and on about my failed adventures with custard and bore you all to death with the world’s longest post? Well, that time is gone. Venting session officially over. Thanks for the closure.Now it’s time for the most simple and stunning pie I know. Strawberries are perfection at this time of year…especially when you pick them from a farm field while wearing overalls and a bandanna around your hair as the sun beats down and your fingers start to hurt from all those thorn bushes and you just can’t stop thinking about how darn picturesque it all is. Welcome to the heartland ladies and gents, it sure is looking pretty! In fact, I'm pretty sure this tart is just about the prettiest girl in town.

Strawberry Tart
(adapted from Dorie Greenspan)

1 9-inch tart crust (use the same recipe as for banana cream pie)
1 quart ripe, fragrant strawberries
Good quality strawberry jam
Sugar for tossing with strawberries (optional, depending on sweetness of strawberries)
Splash of crème de cassis (also optional, I skipped this step)

Wash and halve strawberries if they are overly large, simply wash them if they are small and freshly picked like these were. Toss strawberries with sugar and crème de cassis if using. Spread a generous layer of jam over the bottom of the cooled tart crust. Arrange strawberries over jam in a circular fashion, working from the outside in. Place extra strawberries strategically to improve the pretty-factor of this already adorable tart.

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